Lady Violet
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The Italian lady who is called "Countess Of The Dance Music" is now working on a full album wich will be out soon,Till now,She has produced 6 dance singles wich have topped most of Italian chart lists and some Europe charts.It's obvious for sure that by producing her first album,She'll be an international wellknown dance singer.There are no Lady Violet photo galleries available now,But in future you can find everything about her in ,The website is not available now...

Single Cover of "Calling your name"
"Inside to outside" Single cover
"No Way,NO Time" single cover
"Beautiful World" single cover
If anyone has got the video,please send my website an email or submit it in my website,Thank you...
"In your mind" single cover
This one is Lady Violet's latest single...
Lady Violet singing in the video clip "Inside to outside",Sorry for the bad quality...
Lady violet with her famous purple wig
She doesn't wear tha purple wig anymore...

Pics collected and editted by NIMZ(Nima Akbari Nezhad)